June 9, 2016


The ASFWB Wall of Fame


The Wall of Fame is currently located in the Atlantic Regional Headquarters of the Canadian Wildlife Service in Sackville, NB.


The idea of establishing a Wall of Fame arose out of discussions at the AGM held at Le Motel Habitant, Richibucto, NB, in September, 1993. At the AGM held in October, 1995 at Liscombe Lodge, Liscombe Mills, NS, a committee was struck consisting of Al Smith, Colin MacKinnon, and Rosemary Curley. The committee drafted guidelines and arranged for the Wall to be established. It was further decided that the initial inductee should be Robie W. Tufts, and the committee was authorized to prepare a plaque with a picture and history of his accomplishments.


  1. To recognize and honour the outstanding achievements of individuals who have attained prominence and distinction in the fish and wildlife resource field, and who have made a major contribution to the development and advancement of wildlife conservation in the Atlantic Provinces.
  2. To permanently record and to give public prominence to the achievements of those inducted into the Wall of Fame.


All matters relating to the ASFWB Wall of Fame including its operation and maintenance shall rest with the Wall of Fame Committee (WOFC) appointed from the membership by the ASFWB Executive. One member of the WOFC should be from the host organization who is housing the Wall of Fame (currently CWS). The Executive shall oversee the administration of the Wall, but the WOFC will be charged with the following responsibilities:

  1. ensure that all records and possessions of the Wall of Fame shall be maintained;
  2. serve as the selection committee and be the final determining body for induction of members of the Wall of Fame; and 
  3. oversee the preparation of all documentation and other items required for enrolment.


The cost of establishing and maintaining the Wall shall be borne by the Society. The Society shall approve annual expenditures required to bring new inductees into the Wall at each of its annual meetings and shall be listed as a budget item by the Secretary Treasurer. Cost should not exceed $500 per annum.

Eligibility for Enrollment:

  1. Any nominees who by outstanding achievement have attained prominence in the fields of fish and wildlife resource conservation, or who have made outstanding contributions to the advancement of wildlife conservation in the Atlantic Region shall be eligible.
  2. Candidates must have concluded their (full time) careers.

Form of Enrollment

  1. PLAQUE – approximately 15″ X 18″ and consisting of a bronze face on wood backing, or made of composite stone, bearing a laser etching of a full head profile of the inductee and a brief citation of not more than 50 words in both official languages.
  2. LIFE HISTORY ACCOUNT – A brief account of the inductee’s professional career, awards, citations in approximately 500 words to be printed in columnar bilingual format and laminated onto a 1 cm backing stock and to be hung directly below the plaque.
  3. PRESS RELEASE – A press release is to be prepared and released by the Society at the time of the official induction.

Selection Committee

The ASFWB shall appoint the WOFC which will serve as the selection committee. The selection committee will be all or part of the WOFC and should consist of a chair and two additional members. Appointments should be made for a 3 year term with one member resigning each year and replaced by a new member. members can be reappointed for successive terms

Basis of Selection of Candidates:

Candidates for induction can be selected in one of two ways:(i) from a listing that is prepared every five years and is sanctioned by the AGM. The listing will be prepared by the selection committee and all candidates placed on this list will be chosen based on their outstanding contribution to fish and wildlife conservation in the region, or (ii) any member of the Society can forward a nomination to the selection committee as long as the nomination is made on an official nomination form and is received no later than the 31st day of October. Candidates must have resided in the region and spent the majority of their careers working in this region.

Timing of Induction:

The selection committee will annually make an announcement of the candidate to be inducted, at the AGM held each fall. However, nominations need not to be presented each year. Once accepted at the AGM, the formal induction will then occur six months later at the annual Spring Seminar of the Society, normally held each April in Sackville, NB, or alternatively at the following AGM.

Guidelines for Nominations:

  1. The nomination must have the consent of the nominee. If the nominee is deceased, the consent of the family should be obtained, if possible.
  2. Include all personal information about the nominee as requested on the nomination form.
  3. Be sure to include dates for all milestones in the nominee’s career, career highlights and any awards or significant achievements.
  4. If quoting from books, newspapers, letters, etc., include photocopies in support of the nomination.
  5.  Arrange the information in chronological order from earliest to most recent.
  6. Ensure the information is accurate and fully supports the nomination.

Nomination Form