June 9, 2016

ASFWB Fish & Wildlife Research Grant

The ASFWB Fish & Wildlife Research Grant was established in the fall of 1994 to assist members who are conducting or supervising wildlife or fisheries research in Atlantic Canada. The grant provides funding up to $500 annually for research projects. Applicants must be members of ASFWB, and projects must be conducted in Atlantic Canada. Projects that are largely government sponsored or funded are not eligible for this award. Any aspect of fish and wildlife research will be considered, but projects with applied management goals will receive preference. Applications for funding may be submitted at any time. Grant(s) will be announced at the ASFWB Spring Seminar (usually in April) each year. For consideration, applications must be received by the president no later than March 31st. The first award was disbursed in 1996.


Please include your name, address, affiliation, telephone number(s), fax number(s), and e-mail, sign and date your application, and email the application and supporting documents to: Andy Smith (Andy.Smith@forces.gc.ca)

Past Research Grant Recipients
YEAR NAME University Amount
1996 John MacMillan Acadia University $500
“Thermal effects of freshwater impoundments on salmonids”
1997 Josette Mallet U. de Moncton $500
“A comparison of wetland avifauna use in natural versus impounded freshwater marshes within the TantramarDykelands, NB”
1998 Jeff Bowman UNB (Fredericton) $250
“Validity of the point count method for censusing red squirrels”
Jonathan Oxley Acadia University $250
“Factors affecting Leach’s petrel burrow distribution on Bon Portage Island, NS”
1999-2002 No submissions.
2003 Joe Nocera UNB $250
Jeff Reader Acadia $250
2020 Courtney Burk UNB $500
“Mapping wildlife connectivity potential in New Brunswick forests.”