June 9, 2016

David J. Cartwright Memorial Scholarship

The David J. Cartwright Memorial Scholarship was established by the ASFWB in 1991, following the untimely death in a vehicle accident of David J. Cartwright in October 1990. Dave was a member and strong supporter of the ASFWB for many years and contributed to wildlife management in Atlantic Canada as Furbearer Biologist with the NB Department of Natural Resources & Energy.

The 1-year Scholarship is awarded annually and is open to full-time students on theFredericton campus of the University of New Brunswick (UNB) entering the final year of Forestry (Wildlife Option) or Science (Biology Option). Potential candidates should have combined scholastic ability with a demonstrated interest in wildlife management. The Scholarship is awarded by UNB on the recommendation of the Faculty of Forestry and the Faculty of Science. The ASFWB serves as donor of the Scholarship, which is variable in the amount awarded.

The award was established in the fall of 1994, and was first disbursed in 1996. Recent past recipients of the award are listed below:

 2013 Christine C. Gatti Kleinburg, ON Environment and Natural Resources  $950
 2015-16 Kirsten Johnsen Biology
2018-19 Abigail Pavo Truro, NS Environment and Natural Resources $1400

To apply for this award, please contact UNB (Fredericton).

Donations to the David J. Cartwright Scholarship are eligible for charitable donation receipts in both Canada and the United States (must include name and complete address of the donor). Send a cheque or money order, made payable to the University of New Brunswick or pledges made by VISA or MasterCard (include number and expiry date) accompanied by a note indicating that they are for the David J. Cartwright Scholarship should be sent to: Office of Development, University of New Brunswick, PO Box 4400, Fredericton, N.B. E3B 6C2.